Easter basket ideas for kids with autism
Mar 29, 2021
Many kids with autism don't like the usual chocolate candies and Easter goodies that are traditional placed in Easter baskets. Who cares? We build our own traditions here.
I've always modified Tosh's Easter basket, Christmas stocking and birthday party goodies to better accommodate him and his friends. Because honestly, the regular kid crap is just that ... crap that you're going to throw away anyway. What you get them doesn't really matter, so why not get them something they like?
Here's the best news: all of these items are available on Amazon Prime so you can get them last minute before Easter! (Do any of us shop any other way anymore?)
Wind up toys
24 piece Easter egg wind up toys
Wind up toys are our go-to whenever we need little, inexpensive toys. Here is a collection of 24 wind ups that include characters other than Easter, already packaged in plastic eggs. These guys will last me all year long!
Light wand
Tosh has really been into candy themes lately, so this would be a perfect light wand for him. These are great for visual stimmers, but please get a clean bill of health regarding seizures before using any toys with flashing lights.
Stomp rockets
If you've been following me for awhile, you know I recommend Stomp Rockets for pretty much any gift situation. That's because everyone loves them. If you've ever felt sorry for your kid because nobody on the playground wants to play with them, just bring one of these. They'll instantly be the most popular kid there.
If you live in a two-story home, these are a must. Tosh is always begging for something he's allowed to toss off my bedroom balcony or down the stairs inside. These non-tangle kind are worth every penny. I don't have to buy these this year because our guys from last year still work great.
Glider planes
Because our paratroopers still work, I got these glider planes instead. No idea if they work or not (Amazon arrives today) but they're highly rated so we'll give them a shot. They'll probably end up in the neighbor's yard, but they're used to us by now. LOL. (Actually, my neighbors are all retired and delight in finding children's toys in their yard.)
Tosh is spending Easter Sunday with his Dad's family, which means there will be cousins to play with. I got the small 6-foot version of this parachute for them.
Good luck with your Amazon purchases and happy Easter! =D
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