Best Play-Doh set ever!
Aug 01, 2021
Last week we picked up a new Play-Doh set at Target for $13 and it was well worth the price!
It's the Kitchen Creations Drizzly set. Yes, it's as messy as it sounds, but that's exactly what's so fun about it. Clean up is just a little worse than a regular Play-Doh day; however, it's not for kids with pica.
That "strawberry sauce" dries in 5-10 minutes and peels up like a fruit roll up.
Twist two tubes of different colors together before putting them in the ice cream machine to make swirl.
There's even a cool sprinkles tool. Tosh played with this for two hours! It's been a really long time since he liked anything that much, so I had to share.
The set comes with a bunch of Play-Doh and two jars of "sauce." Just one kept him happy. However, it makes the Play-Doh gross and I ended up throwing it away when we were done. We'll need to take from his regular stash to play with it again and use the rest of the sauce.
I'll be honest, the sauce was the star attraction here. He will probably use it again; Play-Doh is a preferred respite activity. But unless sauce refills are found, he probably won't use it for 2 hours at a time.
That's okay! Four hours of fun for $13, plus free play afterwards, is well worth it.
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