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5 Holiday gift ideas for autistic tween and teen boys

autism parenting holidays Dec 08, 2023
autism holiday gift ideas

My 12-year-old son has grown quite a bit in the last year, and his Christmas list reflects that.

First, he's literally grown - 5 inches and 30 lbs - so clothes in adult sizes top his list. However, puberty produced more than a huge growth spurt. He's also extremely sensitive to anything he perceives to be babyish, as most 12-year-olds are. Presuming competence while Christmas shopping this year is a must. 



Flytraks hoverboard go kart with shock absorption 

Tosh had an electric ride-on car that he absolutely loved. This kit, which straps to a hoverboard, seems like a good replacement. It comes equipped with shock absorbers so mom can ride without busting a hip. The hoverboard is sold separately.

Amazon $109

Freeze dried candy

Sugar, food dyes and who knows what else in these Skittles make my son lose control and are banned in our home. Except on Halloween and Christmas, when he gets to eat the same candy as everyone else and we deal with the consequences.

Since it's only two days a year, we make it count. If you haven't had freeze dried candy yet, you're in for a treat. These Skittles in particular are delicious. Get two bags because if you taste one while stuffing the stockings, the rest of the bag won't make it until morning.

Amazon $10.99

Sink n Sand game

This game is basically a new version of Kerplunk with kinetic sand. My son loves both of those things, so I'm anticipating this game will be a big hit. I like that it doesn't seem to babyish, which is a deal breaker for him these days.

Amazon $10.99

Lying Flat Duck Nightlight

A practically grown up 12-year-old still needs a nightlight, and this adorable duck is allegedly unbreakable. We'll see about that. No matter how long he lasts, I think my son is going to love him! He's definitely giving a listless adolescent vibe, isn't he? 

Amazon $21.99

6L Mini Fridge

We're creating a teen environment for my son in his room, and this mini-fridge will help him feel grown up and independent. This one is larger than most and fits bottles, not just cans.

Amazon $54.99 (sale)

Bonus idea #6: Trendy clothes

My son has been extremely destructive to clothes for many years. Because of this, we mostly dress him from the Amazon Essentials collection. However, underneath the autism, he's still a self-conscious 12-year-old who wants to look cool. 

I always try to have a couple of trendy, cool items to wear for socializing. This year, he's been less destructive to his hoodies, so I put a Carhartt on his family list, and someone ordered it for him. 🥰

Amazon $49.99

Need more ideas? CLICK HERE to read more gift idea lists.

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